Thursday, September 20, 2007

Superficial and enjoying it

The husband's high school reunion is tomorrow. All of the anxieties that go with going to the reunion has happened to us and our friends in one form or another. I graduated a year later from high school but since I spent most of my time with the class of '97 this is sort of my big reunion.
We have been back and forth whether we want to go or not. We finally decided we were going to go. To the best of our ability we were going to go confidently and be proud of what we had accomplished so far and what better way to do that then to buy new outfits and get our hair done. Yep, totally superificial and not necessarily the best way to gain confidence...but it helps. We figured that we cant take off the excess pounds in a week, we cant change our current life situation so a new outfit was the most attainable thing to make us feel good.
We have actually had a good time so far. Last night we went and bought oufits and today we are going to buy jewelry, shoes and get our hair done. It is like the grown up mommy version of prom.
I really do believe that inner beauty is what counts but bottom line is that it feels good when you are confident about your outer appearance. We all need a boost once and awhile and so if anything we have bonded, laughed alot about some crazy outfits, trying on spanx and jeans that were too small to get past our knees, and had a chance to talk. We were able to have a simple life for even a couple hours where our biggest worry was whether to buy the black or the gold shoes.
Like I said...superficial and loving it.