Thursday, October 23, 2008

If there is nothing more that happens in the next 3 weeks, please let this elections be over. Honestly it isn't just the unrelentless ads and signs via mail, neighbors yards, tv, radio etc., but more so I am really tired of hearing people's opinions on the matter....myself included. I am tired of defending my candidate of choice. Don't you ever get the feeling of being sick of hearing your own voice. That is where I am at. I don't have any fire under me to continue to have the same conversations and same "friendly" arguments. I dont want to see people use their facebook as a way of communicating this. I made this error once and never again mainly because it seemed to be one of the first that I noticed and it just went downhill from bad as people talking about Obama killing babies! I am just done!
I am also finding that as hard as I try I tend to view people a bit differently based on who they are voting for. I know I shouldnt but it just seems natural when you believe someone as a moderate or even liberal and find them highly conservative and viceversa. Just messes with my formed opinions and apparently I dont like it.
Bottom line is when the election is done whomever ends up Commander in Chief I will respect and my prayer is the same for everyone else.
I am really just counting down the days.